Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Book of Daniel - At least for now...

Did anyone watch the inaugural episode of "The Book of Daniel"? Well I did.
I liked it. Really liked it. Which of course means it won't last five episodes.
And why won't it last five episodes you ask?
Well there are a number of reasons.
1. It is well written.
2. It has a great cast (really really top quality)
3. It is funny yet serious.
4. The humor is intelligent and requires a little effort.
5. It co-stars Jesus, an adulterous bishop and a vicodin popping priest who has a gay son, a dope dealing daughter, an alcoholic wife (who has a lesbian sister) and an over-sexed adopted son of Asian descent.

All the makings for a TV show with a conservative bullseye on it's back. There hasn't been a show with this kind of quality character development and risk taking story line since "Soap" (which by the way had the 1st primetime gay character, faithfully portrayed by Billy Crystal).

This past Monday night I am sure there were conservative heads exploding all over this country.
I can hear them popping ...
At least for the next couple of weeks ....


Kewelbeanz said...

When I read your comments (even tho I didn't get to watch the show 'cause my wife turned it off), I immediately thought "Soap" as well. Shame our country can't be more tolerant of artistic points of view.

ninjapoodles said...

I live in Arkansas, and would you believe that our local NBC affiliate is refusing to air this show on the grounds that it is "too controversial?" The local WB affiliate is picking it up!

Dumb Poet said...

Kewel - Truer words have never been said.

Belinda - I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a place that is that closed minded. I would imagine living in NYC I get a little spoiled with regards to the level of "tolerance". Of course it does explain why the person who currently resides in the White House is still there....

Amal said...

Oh, the American Family association has already lodged a complaint and two NBC affiliates have chosen not to air the show. Welcome to the land of Freedom of Speech (as long as you are conservative)

Dumb Poet said...

Amal- you are so right. Unfortunately this country has taken 1000 giants steps backward over the last 5 years and shows no sign of moving forward.

Land of the free and home of the brainwashed....

Rosemary said...

Well, we watched it because we wanted to see for myself if it was as offensive as so many were saying.

I had an unexpected reaction to it. As a Christian, I was expecting to be offended by the apparently flippant treatment of Jesus (based on the previews.) I was pleasantly surprised to find that this aspect of the show did not offend me in the least, but was a well done literary device.

I was, however, put off by the large number of social issues they tried to load into this one family. I felt like I was watching Desperate Housewives (about a whole neighborhood) in one house!! Very contrived and soap opera-ish, IMVHO.

Will we watch it again? Probably not.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I taped it, but I haven't watched it yet...I hope I remember which tape it's on!! (Lordy!) (lol)

Sounded very interesting to me so I wanted to take a look-see...I'll try to watch it sometime this weekend...

Gaylicious© said...

I'm interested in seeing it. I hope it comes here to Australia. I've been reading on the controversary, and I guess for me..being a gay individual, I just roll my eyes. But to each to their own. People have the choice to turn the tv off, if they find it offensive. Curious question..what time slot is it playing?? Just wondering if that'd make ppl all in a hoop la??

Great blog btw.


hiikeeba said...

Apparently, the American family Association is looking to become America's Taliban.

Musicguy said...

I also liked the show, however, it won't last, especially in that time slot. Friday nights are for drinking and partying, while hooking up with numerous sex partners. :-)

Anyway, if the conservatives really want to live in a nation under God, I suggest they move to Iran.

Angela Belt-Newcom said...

I enjoyed the show a lot and watched it Friday as well. I hope it lasts, but like you, I expect them to can it. Though, I really hope they don't. Aiden Quinn is really great in it!

Clockworkchris said...

The book of Daniel is such a great show and such a mix of so many different topics I really hope it lasts. Somehow I doubt it too-because most of the good shows get booted while a bunch of crap continues to hold the mindless populations attention.