Friday, September 23, 2005

Dickless, no life, pathetic couch potato computer addicts.

Don't you just hate weasels.
We've had an anonymous asshole (no balls, just anonymous) harrassing us about my posting parts of my production journal on the web. Well, when we asked this person to tell us who they were they didn't have the balls to fess up. But they most be all knowing ...
Well of course we aren't going to listen to them. However, this waste of space went and found a journal my former partner published during our last feature film and felt the need to post it here. With names in it. Due to this fact I had to delete the post because I don't know how to delete the comment. Owing to the amount of spineless no-lifers out there who have nothing better to do with their time than harrass other people who do have lives, I have been forced to make the commenting on this site members only. For my regular non-anonymous readers and friends, just drop me a note and I will put you on the list if you so desire.
For all of you anonymous, cowardly, wastes of flesh and oxygen, you can come to Brooklyn and kiss my ass in person.


B said...

I had to remove commenting from all of my blogs except the Wordpress one. Haloscan also allows you to block URLs and they had claimed to be working on a preview option when I used them last. Some people have no manners (or brain, for that matter). Yes, I said it. Sue me. :-)

Unknown said...

This might help, so you can start recieving comments from anonymous again. :-)

Its the "How do I delete comments" section.