Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Free At Last ... Oh Lordy ... (You know the rest)

It’s Dead Jim …. And boy am I happy!!!!!!
I finally heard from my (ex) executive producer. As she was trying to explain to me why she hadn’t gotten back to me sooner and how she is still trying to track down the suck-butt of an investor I managed to get her to shut up long enough to tell her that we were done. That the game is over. We’re not playing anymore. It took a couple of seconds for it to register ( I really enjoyed those). Finally she said,”What?” and I said, we’re done here. Neither “P” or I find this amusing anymore. She said what do you mean, so I layed it out for her thusly;
1- Your lack of communication skills have fucked up this project from the minute you got involved.
2- You have taken the small, character driven script that had a cast attached, locations locked up and what was basically a “go movie” and turned it to a steaming pile of crap that I would be embarrassed to give to Keanu Reeves to read.
3- You have made numerous promises of which none ever came to fruition.
4- You forced us to make changes to our script that clearly you yourself didn’t even understand.
5- You don’t have the slightest clue about what independent film is.
6- You should really consider a career change
7- You have wasted a year of my life.

There was not much else to say except goodbye, which I said gladly. I feel as if a 5 year old weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Now, this new project, is a whole different story. The script is practically writing itself (I am on page 91 of what will most likely be 110 pages) and in my humble opinion it is the best 1st draft of a script I have ever written. As I finish large sections I have been sending them off to my partner “J” in the UK so he can Anglicize them. It’s great to have a new fresh project to be working on.

We are also beginning to lay the groundwork for the big move to UK. Though it’s most likely a year and half off, there are decisions we need to start making now, All in all I am pretty damn happy.

Go figure…

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